Friday, 4 September 2009

Who's been a naughty blogger?

I am scolding myself for being a bad blogger and leaving y'all for far too long :[ So much has been going on in my offline life i've barely found any time to sit down let alone get tapping on my keys. Plus my laptop charger decided it was suicidal and so now i'm using the Boyhalf's computer.
The weather is icky right now. Too much wet made me realise i don't have much rain friendly clothes. I don't wear trousers, i have one pair of jeans and they're rockabilly style capri's so not much use unless i want soaking legs. This is when thick tights become my friend.
I made several new purchases such as these Reko for Topshop delights.

The Boyhalf won a £50 Topman voucher so he's been assisting me in the shopping days, i think we've collectively kept the Topshop/Topman brand in business this week. MUST NOT LOOK AT BANK STATEMENT.

Boyhalf and i are planning a trip to Thorpe Park soon so i'm SUPER excited about that too. I love amusement parks and we went to Disneyland last December for my 21st so this would be amazing.

It's all go kids.

What's new with you?


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